The Risk Training Institute of ICAP CRIF is a Business Unit aiming to train executives employed in the field of Risk Management but also in the others, equally important, pillars of Corporate Governance. In addition, it provides training seminars for top management and boards while actively contributing to the development of modern culture among business staff with relevant courses
Our team consists of administrative and educational executives specialized in the respective thematic areas. All of them are distinguished professionals (C-level executives of the market) and renowned academics who have been selected based on their excellence and experience both at academic and professional level.
Especially for credit, ICAP CRIF is a thought leader as the only company in Greece that has been recognized as a Credit Rating Agency (CRA) by the European Securities and Markets Authority – ESMA, since July 2011. In addition, it is the only company in Greece that has been recognized by the Bank of Greece (July 2008) as an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI) in the context of the implementation of the Basel II and EU Directives.