"Banking Risk" Module is part of the "Certified Chief Risk Officer (C-CRO)" training program.
Lessons from financial disasters
Brief history of risk metrics and risk management techniques
Introduction to different metrics: Value at Risk, Expected Shortfall, Potential Future Exposure
Real world asset dynamics
Advantages and disadvantages
Error estimation techniques
Refinements and improvements
Filtered historical simulation
Basic formulation and Matrix notation
Marginal, incremental and component VaR
Factor loadings
Variance – covariance matrix
Minimum Variance Hedge
Value at risk: Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo applications in finance
Long term market simulations
Non-linear derivatives (options)
Hedge effectiveness
Credit instruments and asymmetric payoffs
Returns of credit portfolios
Modeling the credit event
Merton model
Credit-metrics approach
Single factor model and Basel II formulas
Where market and credit risk intersect: Credit Valuation Adjustment
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