Katerina Katsouli

Head of ESG & Sustainability services at Grant Thornton Greece.

Her bachelor is in Economics and Financial Sector from the Economic School of Athens University and holds a Master of Science in International Economic Relations from the University of Mannheim in Germany. Starting from 2006 Katerina has undertaken the development of ESG/Sustainability programs for major Greek and multinational companies and organizations. Her experience in Sustainability Consulting Services includes the development of ESG Reports according to international standards, the preparation of ESG Strategy, specific CSR and IR Training, as well as the external verification of non-financial data according to ISAE 3000 and AA 1000. Moreover, Katerina has an extensive professional experience in the field of economics and statistics as well as in the field of Marketing. She cooperates with international organizations like EFRAG, UN Global Compact, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), United Nations Environment Programme for Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), etc. and she has been a certified GRI Trainer and an Integrated Reporting <IR> trainer.
Since 2019, she is a member of the Board of CSR Hellas and also in 2021 has been elected as a member of the Board of Global Compact Network Hellas (the Greek branch of UN Global Compact).
Recently has been appointed from EFRAG as a member of the Technical Expert Group, contributing with her strong experience on Sustainability on the development of the new European Sustainability Standards.