Certified Governance, Risk & Compliance Officer (C-GRC)
The "Hellenic Association of Risk Managers" (www.harima.gr) member of FERMA (Federation European of Risk Management Associations, www.ferma.eu) & FECMA (Federation of European Credit Management Associations, www.fecma.eu), with the support of "Academics University of London Worldwide", powered by GRANT THORNTON and in collaboration with the "Risk Training Institute" of ICAP CRIF, present the "Certified Governance, Risk & Compliance Officer (C-GRC)" training program that leads to the corresponding certification after examinations.
- Certified COSO ERM auditor
- Certified Risk and Compliance Officer (C.R.C.O.)
b) From the “International Compliance Association (ICA)”:
- Certificate in Compliance,
- Certificate in Anti Money Laundering,
- Certificate in Financial Crime prevention,
- Certificate in Managing Sanctions Risk.
The "Certified Governance, Risk & Compliance Officer (C-GRC)" certification is a professional credential indicating an individual's proficiency in assessing and managing risks, implementing regulatory compliance measures, and ensuring that a company's policies meet its goals. Covering areas such as ethics, compliance law, risk management and corporate governance, this certification is of high importance to businesses that want to guarantee they are legally compliant, able to mitigate risks, and maintain a strong corporate reputation. Industries heavily reliant on regulations, like finance, health, and manufacturing, especially value professionals with CGRC certification as it denotes a thorough understanding and the ability to handle complex governance, risk, and compliance issues.
Target Audience
- Compliance Officers / Managers and their Deputies
- Governance Professionals
- Lawyers / Legal professionals
- Board Members
- Assistants / Secretaries to CEOs and GMs
- Risk employees / officers
- IT Professionals dealing with governance, risk management and compliance
- Strategy & Decision making professionals
- Audit & Assurance
- Consultants
- Those who have recently been given or aspire to be given compliance responsibilities
Subject Areas
- Definitions of governance, risk and compliance
- How can technology interfere – platforms
- Board Committees (Audit, Remuneration Committees, Risk, Suitability committee), structure, necessary skills, duties
- Best practice for the BoD structure
- Corporate Governance codes of practice
- Current obligations and trends
Total 8 hours
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Governance: linking corporations and society
- Governance and accountability
- Corporate Governance Codes (Cadbury, Greenbury, Turnbul Code, Financial Reporting Council)
- Selection and succession planning
- Oversight, compliance, and risk management
- The Board's role in strategy development
- Performance evaluation and executive compensation
- Responding to external pressures
- Creating a high-performance board
- Three pillars of “lines of defense”: Compliance-Risk-Audit
- The meaning of Internal Audit System
- Board Members Responsibility
- ESG framework and trends
Total 18 hours
- Risk and Risk Management
- Risk Management background history
- Risk management framework
- Key considerations when developing a risk management framework
- Documenting a risk management framework
- Risk management governance
- The Role of Chief Risk Officer
- Necessary Chief Risk Officer Skills
- Culture and Strategic Integration
- Risk Appetite necessity
- Risk management information systems
- Implementing a risk management framework
- Overview of the risk management process
- Risk Avoidance versus Risk Opportunity
- Risk identification
- Risk assessment
- Risk Treatment options
- Corporate Risk Maturity
- Risk management
- Monitoring, Communication and reporting
- Reviewing
- Enhancing a risk management framework
- Traditional Risk Management versus Enterprise Risk Management
- Selected Areas of Risk Management:
- Third Party Risk Management
- Operational Risk Management
- Information Security Risk Management
- Business Continuity / Disaster Risk Management
- Reputation Risk Management
- Credit Risk Management
- Project Risk Management
- Compliance/Regulations Risk Management
- Novel Risks and Risk Velocity
- ERMS / Risk Management Frameworks
- ISO31000
- Tailored ERM Practices
- Compliance
- The role of risk and compliance officer
- Internal and External Stakeholders
- Compliance Risk Management
- Compliance and Conduct Risk
- Fraud risk, antifraud management
- Culture development
- Think like a fraudster, prevent and detect
- Using technology in risk management and compliance
- Compliance frameworks (NIST, GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, FedRAMP)
- Anti-money laundering and financing terrorism (FATF), policy and culture
- Selected Compliance Areas:
- Whistleblowing
- Anti-Fraud
- Labor
- Conflict of Interest
- Competition and Anti-Trust
- Intellectual Property
- Bribery-Corruption
- Sanction screening
- 3rd party integrity due diligence
- Contractual clauses (exit rights, audit rights, disclosures)
- Investigations
- Compliance controls
- Collective action
- Ethics and code of conduct
- Standards, policies and procedures
- Communication, education and training
- Monitoring and auditing
- Internal reporting systems
- Discipline for non-compliance
- Investigation and remediation measures
Total 30 hours
- Internal Audit
- Internal audit within the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system (COSO)
- Evaluation of the Internal Control System (ICS)
- Audit and Compliance
- Reporting to the BoD
Total 12 hours
- Best Practices and practical experience
Best practices on each thematic unit
Practical experience and case studies
Total 15 hours
What you will learn
This “Certified Governance, Risk, and Compliance Officer (C-GRC)” training course is designed to provide you with the knowledge necessary to effectively design and enhance integrated GRC activities across your company. As well It enables you with the tools and techniques to understand your company obligations, to mitigate risk and to have a proper structure in place on how to manage it when an issue arises :
- Understand the regulatory environment
- The reason why a good governance is essential for effective regulatory compliance risk management
- Identify high-risk areas and compliance gaps in your organization
- Apply Risk-based Approach
- The role of the Compliance Officer and his team
- Develop and implement a governance, risk management and compliance strategic plan
- Understand, define, and enhance organizational culture as it relates to performance, risk, and compliance
- Implement governance, risk management and compliance processes that are effective and efficient
- Use a risk-based audit approach
Organisational Impact
More effective support for governance, risk management and compliance team
Greater relevance and reliability of analyzing the regulatory bodies
More strategic thinking and focus on performance
More effective use of developing successful GRC plan
Preparation of staff for increased responsibility
Supports risk and compliance officers through education
Powered by
Course Start Date
9 of October 2024
Cost of Attendance
- 115 Hours
- Live Online
- Certification
- Certified Governance, Risk & Compliance Officer
- Subsidized by LAEK
Scientific Associate
Koufopoulos, PhDDirector of University of London MBA Programmes,
Member of H.A.RI.MA.
Visiting Professor, School of Law, CCLS at Queen Mary University
Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck University of London
Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos is a Visiting Professor, School of Law, CCLS at Queen Mary University, Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck University of London and the Director of the Global Online MBA Programmes in University of London. He has held numerous academic positions at Brunel University (2002-2018) and Cardiff University (1991-2002) in UK.
Dimitrios began his career very early, in construction industry –simply put, a builder-as well as a guitar player and singer where he quickly realised that was not good enough. Then, he turned his attention to accounting, where he saw opportunities and potential employment successes.
He gained his university bachelor’s degree in Management from the Athens School of Economics and Business Sciences in Greece, in 1988. Two years later has embarked on postgraduate studies in UK. He earned his MBA at Cardiff Business School, and straight after was employed as a research assistant at Cardiff University, Cardiff business School. He started working on his PhD on Strategic Planning Systems alongside his academic and consulting career.
He has been a Full-Time academic member of staff at Cardiff Business School from 1991 to 2002 and then joined Brunel Business School until April 2018. He publishes extensively in academic journals and every year papers that co-authors are presented in major conferences all over the world.
He has been teaching online and developing online material since 2006; in the early beginning at Universitas 21, then Laureate-Liverpool in 2009, Laureate- Roehampton in 2012 and University of London-Queen Mary in 2016. He has an extensive experience in developing and testing online material and modules; like Learning and Leading in a Dynamic Era, Strategy and Innovation and Strategic Management. He is currently working on the second edition of his textbook “Essentials of Strategic Management” published by Sage in 2012.
His supervisory capabilities have been developed since 1992 and up to now has successfully supervised well above 400 hundred students at UG and PG level as well as over 10 PhD students at Brunel University and currently 3 DBA Students at University of Liverpool.
Back in 1994, alongside his academic career, he set up a boutique consulting firm providing intelligent reports on several business and management issues. In 1998, he set up the Gnosis Management Consultants (www.gnosisconsultants.com), specializing in executive training and niched strategic research. In 2007, he set up the Hellenic Observatory of Corporate Governance (www.hocg.eu), where research on five distinct, important economic sectors for Greece are contacted. Since 2016 is a partner in www.proteas.io a business model innovation consulting firm.
Leading Instructor
ΜενεξιάδηςGroup Internal Audit Director Aegean Air
ΘεοδουλίδουΟικονομική Διευθύντρια Προγραμματισμού, Ελέγχου & Εταιρικής ΔιακυβέρνησηςΌμιλος FOURLIS
Οικονομική Διευθύντρια Προγραμματισμού, Ελέγχου και Εταιρικής Διακυβέρνησης και μέλος της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής στον Όμιλο εταιρειών FOURLIS
H ΜΑΡΙΑ ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΙΔΟΥ είναι Οικονομική Διευθύντρια Προγραμματισμού, Ελέγχου και Εταιρικής Διακυβέρνησης και μέλος της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής στον εισηγμένο στο Χρηματιστήριο Αθηνών Όμιλο εταιρειών FOURLIS. Την περίοδο 2009 – 2021 ήταν Οικονομική Διευθύντρια Προγραμματισμού και Ελέγχου και την περίοδο 2000– 2008 ήταν Διευθύντρια Εσωτερικού Ελέγχου του ίδιου Ομίλου. Είναι ανεξάρτητο μέλος της Επιτροπής Ελέγχου και Προμηθειών του ΔΕΔΔΗΕ από τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2020. Eίναι Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Εταιρικής Διακυβέρνησης του Ελληνοαμερικάνικου Εμπορικού Επιμελητηρίου από τον Μάιο του 2023. Εργάσθηκε στο συμβουλευτικό τμήμα της KPMG την περίοδο 1996 -2000 ως Manager και στην 01 ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗ από το 1993 έως το 1995 ως Project Manager. Διαθέτει μεταπτυχιακό τίτλο ( M.Sc.) σε Operations Management από το University of Manchester (1993) και πτυχίο Μηχανικού Παραγωγής και Διοίκησης από το Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης (1991). Διαθέτει πιστοποίηση CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) από το 2009, (CCSA) Certification in Control Self- Assessment, CIA (Certification in Internal Audit) και Εσωτερικού Ελεγκτή σε Συστήματα Περιβαλλοντικής Διαχείρισης και Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας (Environmental and Quality Assurance Audit). Είναι μέλος του Τεχνικού Επιμελητηρίου Ελλάδος, του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Εσωτερικών Ελεγκτών, του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Ελεγκτών Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων, της Επιτροπής Εταιρικής Διακυβέρνησης του ΣΕΒ, της φορολογικής ομάδας του ΣΕΒ και του NED Club στην Ελλάδα. Συμμετείχε ως μέλος των ομάδων εργασίας και των ΔΣ του Ελληνικού Συμβουλίου Εταιρικής Διακυβέρνησης (ΕΣΕΔ) από το 2012 έως το 2017 και συμμετείχε ως μέλος στην ομάδα που ετοίμασε την πρώτη και τη δεύτερη έκδοση του Ελληνικού Κώδικα Εταιρικής Διακυβέρνησης (2010-2011, 2012-2013) και την πρώτη έκδοση του Ελληνικού Κώδικα Καλών Πρακτικών Εταιρικής Διακυβέρνησης των Μη Εισηγμένων Εταιρειών (2015-2016). Υποστηρίζει ενεργά την Πρωτοβουλία Επαγγελματικής Αλληλεγγύης Νέων Act-TLO συντονίζοντας την υλοποίηση σχετικών δράσεων σε συνεργασία με το Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης από το 2016 (www.act-tlo.gr).
ΚουφόπουλοςHead of Group Risk Management Unit Athens Exchange Group SA
ΚαραπιδάκηςΔιευθυντής Κανονιστικής Συμμόρφωσης
και Υπεύθυνος Προστασίας Δεδομένων, MYTILINEOS
Διευθυντής Κανονιστικής Συμμόρφωσης και Υπεύθυνος Προστασίας Δεδομένων, MYTILINEOS
Χλωµούδης Bsc, MscGroup DPO ICAP CRIF
Έχει διατελέσει επί σειρά ετών επικεφαλής τμημάτων Ασφάλειας Συστημάτων & Πληροφοριών και Διαχείρισης Κινδύνων σε γνωστές εταιρίες από τον τραπεζικό, ασφαλιστικό, τηλεπικοινωνιακό και συμβουλευτικό κλάδο. Από το 2017 έχει αναλάβει την θέση του Υπευθύνου Προστασίας Προσωπικών Δεδομένων (Group DPO) του συνόλου των εταιριών της ICAP, ενώ το 2018 χρίστηκε Γενικός Διευθυντής της θυγατρικής, συμβουλευτικής εταιρίας σε θέματα συμμόρφωσης, Comply.Data
DimitriadisCompliance, Risk, Insurance-Human Rights, OTE Group
Compliance, Risk, Insurance-Human Rights, OTE Group
Mr. Aristodimos Dimitriadis assumed the position of Executive Director Compliance, ERM & Insurance OTE Group in November 2012. He has been a member of the executive team of Cosmote since 2005 and was Head of Internal Audit and Compliance for the COSMOTE Group. Prior to his employment with COSMOTE Group, he worked at KPMG and for many years in the banking sector, first at ABN AMRO and later at FBB-First Business Bank as Internal Audit Officer. He holds a BA in Economics and Politics and an MBA from Kent University, UK. He is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), a Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA), Certified in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) from the International Institute of Internal Auditors, Certified in Risk & Information Systems Control (CRISK) ,as well as a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) from Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. . He also holds (ICA) International Advanced Certificate in Compliance & Financial Crime. In addition he is Vice – President of Transparency International Greece and of HIIA & Board Member of HACFE .
ΜουστάκηΕπικεφαλής του τμήματος ESGRC, Grant Thornton
Partner της Grant Thornton Ελλάδος και Επικεφαλής του τμήματος Environmental, Social, Governance, Risk & Compliance Services (ESGRC)
ΒραχωρίτηςSenior Manager, ESGRC Services Grant Thornton
Senior Manager, ESGRC Services| Governance, Risk & Compliance
Grant Thornton
Σπυρίδωνος Director, ESGRC Services Grant Thornton
Director, ESGRC Services| Governance, Risk & Compliance
Grant Thornton
ΤριανταφυλλίδηςAssociate ISS Auditor, Assurance Services, Grant Thornton
Associate ISS Auditor, Assurance Services, Grant Thornton
Senior Manager, Head of Information Systems and Security Audit Team, Grant Thornton
ΖώταληManager, Legal Consultant ESGRC Services Grant Thornton
Manager, Legal Consultant ESGRC Services| Governance, Risk & Compliance, Grant Thornton